
AnTuTu benchmark score: how does Apple iPhone 6 ...

AnTuTu is one of the most important benchmarks for Android devices. The score reflects the overall performance of a device by summing up results of ...

AnTuTu benchmark score: how does Apple iPhone 6 Plus ...

AnTuTu is one of the most important benchmarks for Android devices. The score reflects the overall performance of a device by summing up results of ...

iOS Ranking - AnTuTu Benchmark

Latest AnTuTu iOS benchmark ranking,the best smartphone list. CPU · GPU · MEM · UX



Apple iPhone 6 64GB | Antutu benchmark score

What is AnTuTu benchmark score of Apple iPhone 6 64GB? AnTuTu benchmark scoring of Apple iPhone 6 64GB 79 100. AnTuTu total score, 79 100. Antutu version, 6.

Apple iPhone 6 vs Apple iPhone 6s: Comparison

The AnTuTu benchmark score for the iPhone 6s is 175000, making it a significant improvement in performance compared to the iPhone 6. The fingerprint sensor ... Basics · Screen · Performance · Camera

有關於AnTuTu Benchmark,iphone 6 plus (第2頁)

這是因為安兔兔還沒有支援i6/i6+,所以iOS自動給他降到4的解析度(1136*640) 實際上i6+的內部解析度也不是1920*1080,而是2208*1242.

安兔兔公佈2015 十大手機跑分龍虎榜! iPhone 6s 完勝封帝!

在公佈的圖表之中,最佳效能的手機是iPhone 6s/Plus,得分高達132,620 分,比華為Mate 8 的92,746 分高出接近40,000 分,Samsung Galaxy Note 5 只有83,363 排 ...

Apple iPhone 6 Antutu Benchmark Test

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AnTuTuisoneofthemostimportantbenchmarksforAndroiddevices.Thescorereflectstheoverallperformanceofadevicebysummingupresultsof ...,AnTuTuisoneofthemostimportantbenchmarksforAndroiddevices.Thescorereflectstheoverallperformanceofadevicebysummingupresultsof ...,LatestAnTuTuiOSbenchmarkranking,thebestsmartphonelist.CPU·GPU·MEM·UX,安兔兔iOS设备性能排行榜,基于iPhone/iPad设备的实际跑分数据进行计算,榜...